To Charles Scribner’s Sons
C/o Brown Shipley & Co. 123 Pall Mall
Athens. March 30, 1905
It is arranged that I shall be in Paris next winter, to give the Hyde lectures which Mr Wendell has inaugurated this season, and which you have doubtless heard of. Paris, however, is a good deal nearer than Egypt, and the circumstances may have this advantage for the sale of my book, that my name will probably be in the American papers more than it would have been for more glorious but less notorious achievements.
Your notice of “The Life of Reason” in the “Book Buyer” seems to me splendid—most flattering, naturally, but at the same time, even if it be not becoming in me to say so, essentially just. At least the critic has quite understood my intentions.
From The Letters of George Santayana: Book One, [1868]-1909. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001.
Location of manuscript: Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Libraries, Princeton NJ.