To Charles Augustus Strong
22 Beaumont Street
Oxford, England. April 28, 1916
The trees are green, the sun bright, my winter clothes put away, and the need of a straw hat is pressing. This sudden warmth has made me a little restless and lazy at the same time; I don’t feel like working, even in the evening: nevertheless I have the Realms of Being spread out on the table, and am intending to copy some of the older versions, so as to incorporate the parts of them I do not reject into the revised text. I have also had one or two ideas on minor points. Godstow is delightful, and I have lunched there twice out of doors, notebook and pencil in hand, trying luminously to refute final causes.
Bridges left a card here while I was away, and I must try tomorrow, if the sun is not too hot, to climb to Chilswell, and have a laureate tea.
From The Letters of George Santayana: Book Two, 1910-1920. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001.
Location of manuscript: Rockefeller Archive Center, Sleepy Hollow NY