The Works of George Santayana

Author: David Spiech Page 47 of 283

Letters in Limbo ~ July 8, 1917

hup_tumblr_logo_redTo Logan Pearsall Smith
22 Beaumont St.
Oxford, England. July 8, 1917

I have written to Scribner and to the Harvard University Press, also to Dent, whose reply I enclose. You see the result of concealing from him that you had chosen his enemy for a publisher. He smells a rat, and wants the cheese himself. I suppose you could easily leave out the passages from Dent’s books, if he is obdurate; that would be a way of reducing the selections, and limiting them to the books that are relegated to the higher shelf.

From The Letters of George Santayana:  Book Two, 1910-1920.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001.
Location of manuscript: The Library of Congress, Washington DC.

Letters in Limbo ~ July 7, 1932

1024px-Versailles_chateauTo Charles P. Davis
C/o Brown Shipley & Co.
123, Pall Mall, London, S.W.
Versailles, France. July 7, 1932

Alas, a prolonged failure to respond to letters, and to everything else, has an easy explanation at our age. My sister died in February, 1929, after an illness of five days: but, as you know, she had suffered for a long time from some sort of gout or dropsy (we never understood what it was) which made it difficult and painful for her to move. She had also suffered a great deal morally, in the last years, from her husband’s avarice and other crotchets; but she had successfully maintained her American independence in money-matters, and had the consolation of being at last appreciated and even loved by her step-children and their wives and young ones, because she helped them out of the straits in which their father left them, and was the Providence of the whole family, as well as of many other poor people in Avila. Her husband himself died the following year, and my sister Josephine, who had lived with them since 1912, died in October 1930, on St. Theresa’s day. She had, by the way, reconciled herself in a half-conscious way with the Church; her confessor said he thought she had never committed a mortal sin: so that her end was peaceful also, and there were no unpleasant complications in the matter of religious rites. We had also arranged her money-matters nicely . . . and the fact that, spending very little, she had become rather rich, has been a Godsend to us in the “crisis”, since it has helped us practically not to feel the pinch—at least not yet.

My sister Susana’s money went to her husband and his family; and they have since modernized their houses, and even got automobiles—not so common in Avila as in the U.S. Altogether the memory of my sister is sweet to everyone now, although we didn’t make her life particularly sweet to her while she was in this world. I don’t know how frankly she spoke her thoughts to you: but in spite of her religious fervour and experience, she remained always passionately attached to people and circumstances and events in her surroundings. She was full of plans, even at the age of 77, about what she would do when she was free, and could rebuild their house, and make a different will, and get me to come and live with her. I should have done so with pleasure, if she had survived her husband: but human projects are seldom realized-never, perhaps, as we had formed them.

I have sometimes felt an impulse to write to you and learn how things had worked themselves out in your life. . . My own existence is absolutely monotonous. I live only in hotels; work every morning for two or three hours in a dressing-gown: I am worse than an arm-chair philosopher: I am a poet in slippers. In winter, I am in Rome: in summer often in Paris or at Cortina in the Dolomites; and I hardly see anybody. But I have more literary projects than I shall live to execute; I read a lot of beautiful and interesting books, old and new; I take a daily walk in the most approved and quiet places, wherever the priests walk; and I am, Deo gratias, in good health and in easy circumstances.

What more can one desire at seventy? Love? Faith? If I am without faith or love, I am not without a certain amused connivance at the nature of things which keeps me tolerably happy.

From The Letters of George Santayana:  Book Four, 19281932.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2003.
Location of manuscript: Butler Library, Columbia University, New York NY.

Letters in Limbo ~ July 6, 1908

Bertrand_Russell_transparent_bgTo Bertrand Arthur William Russell
Queen’s Acre
Windsor, England. July 6, 1908

Here is your article with James’s comments, both of which are entertaining, but I can’t help thinking that “pragmatism” still requires a fair historical elucidation. It seems to be a mixture of old saws and half-born intuitions, the most fundamental of them being, perhaps, despair concerning attainable truth, or agnosticism.

From The Letters of George Santayana:  Book One, [1868]-1909.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001.
Location of manuscript: Mills Memorial Library, Bertrand Russell Archives, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Letters in Limbo ~ July 5, 1935

emile-auguste-chartier-alainTo Mary Potter Bush
Hotel Savoia
Cortina d’Ampezzo. July 5, 1935

I am reading Alain’s Les Dieux, the most obscure French book I ever have come upon, ragged and perverse in places, but also full of wonderful insights. Besides, apart from his vulgar politics, I agree with him, and am encouraged to find so penetrating and spontaneous a thinker taking precisely my view of “spirit”. He says: “L’attribut de puissance, délégué à l’esprit pur dans une sorte d’emportement, doit être pris comme la partie honteuse de la religion de l’esprit”. I must quote this in my book, The Realm of Spirit, which I am working on at present, being in the mood for it, although The Realm of Truth should be published first. But my mind isn’t entirely clear for sheer philosophy, as the second proofs of the novel are about to reach me, and I shall have to go over those 723 pages once more. We are having some qualms about the hotels and inns also parsonages mentioned, all real ones, and the possible law-suits that the proprietors might bring for defaming them or their establishments; but I am careful to kill or remove all the persons, and not to say anything not flattering about the houses; so that I hope to escape prosecution. My weakness for real spots and their atmosphere makes me hate to give false names to places, or even to persons, when the true name is not positively out of the question. I hope people won’t think it is impertinence: it is genuine love of truth.

From The Letters of George Santayana:  Book Five, 1933-1936.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2003.
Location of manuscript: Butler Library, Columbia University, New York NY.

Letters in Limbo ~ July 4, 1950

corlisslamontTo Corliss Lamont
Via Santo Stefano Rotondo, 6
Rome. July 4, 1950

Since the American Army first came to Rome, I have received more callers than ever before in my life, and they still straggle in, newspaper correspondents especially, with photo graphic intentions and instruments but a treacherous memory in reporting one’s words. And they do not come to discuss immortality but only to observe that I am dressed only in pyjamas and live in a shabby room in a lower-middle-class English establishment (according to Mr. Edmund Wilson) where the Sisters have painted veils.

From The Letters of George Santayana:  Book Eight, 1948-1952.  Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008.
Location of manuscript: Unknown.

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