The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which has generously supported the Santayana Edition since our beginning, is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

As part of the celebration, the NEH invites you to email them at and share how NEH grants have made a difference in your career, research, or community.

Since Herman Saatkamp received an NEH planning grant in 1977 to determine the feasibility of editing The Works of George Santayana, the NEH has given over $1.5 million to the Santayana Edition in outright and matching funds.

We are extremely grateful for this long-standing support from the NEH. And we are thankful as well for your continued interest and commitment, which has demonstrated so clearly the significance of our work. We hope you will join us in letting the NEH know what their support of the Santayana Edition has meant and continues to mean to friends of the humanities.

Below is the letter the director of the Santayana Edition sent to the NEH: